Sunday, December 09, 2007

Children at Christmas - Expectations

TV ads abound of consumer goods and merrymakers shopping at the malls. Reaction to a gift of matching luxury cars = Priceless!

So is the reaction of the children in metro-Detroit who have nothing to open in Christmas morning - let down can lead to hopelessness - after all the hype and the images of new clothes,food,toys and trinkets.

The implication that one has not been good enough or have not worked hard enough is crushing. So can overspending with credit card debt.

Fuel for the economy or fuel for the stake that is burning away at so many families in the Detroit area.

And what are you going to do about it? Can you spare a dime or a gift?

To sponsor a child - Madonna University Christmas for Kids project:

1 – You can pick your child by asking for a list of unsponsored families by calling Madonna University (734) 432 5427 or e-mail:

2 – Put Your name alongside that child’s name to update the list and let me know the family # and the child ID – boy, 3 years old, Size 5 T

3 – Shop for 1 article of clothing, age appropriate book and toy for child – about $21.00

4 – Buy a jar of Peanut Butter, a jar of Jelly and treats like cookies for the child – about $4.00

5 – Wrap the gifts

6 – Drop off gifts at Room 1001 – Office of Student Life by December 15 to give Santa’s helpers a chance to find gifts for the left behind children.

7 – Celebrate the Season with gladness and joy in your heart!

Have a very Merry Christmas!

On behalf of the children – I thank you very, very much!

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