Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2008 Poverty Summit - From ACCESS

2008 Voices for Action Poverty Summit

On November 13th an estimated 2,500 people from around our state including over 700 individuals who live in poverty will gather at Cobo Hall for the 2008 Voices for Action Poverty Summit.

Did you know that one in eight Americans live at or below the national poverty level, and nearly one in five people in Michigan are living at or below the national poverty level? For Michigan, this includes 500,000 children.

This is a problem that strongly affects the Dearborn community: 39% of households in East Dearborn reported incomes below $25,000, and families with children exhibited the highest household poverty rates; 56% of single-parent female-headed families with children fell at or below the poverty income threshold. When these children were less than 5 years of age, this rate soared to 86%.

We must all take a stand and show our willingness to become part of the solution.