Service is a big part of the Madonna University mission statement…”a commitment to serving others through a liberal arts education …” and other institutions of higher education. It often argued that community service or volunteer work should come from the heart. Although it is universal, heart language is a very hard language to learn or comprehend. Arguably, it is understood by all once spoken, the challenge is tremendous.
Heart language can be both negative and positive. It is never neutral. Students at Madonna University are asked to learn, speak and understand heart language all the time – service to others is a direct expression of heart language.
Outside of this, there are other benefits in serving. According to some statistics, 65% of new job creation in the US is in the non-profit or service sector. Most of the major employers in the US encourage and require community service. Some have whole departments dedicated to community relations and community service.
How good will it be if a list of service activities is included in your resume? A consistent record of service or service learning classes is sure to impress. So it is not all points in heaven or the hereafter, after all! Service is also points for after graduation – employment opportunities. In this highly globalized and competitive employment market, service could just be the edge the employer is looking for.
Service leadership provides the students with ways to improve time management skills, problem solving skills, decision making skills, organization skills, resource identification skills, interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, networking skills, skills in working with diverse populations and communication skills. These skills may not be offered anywhere in the students' plan of study for graduation.
“Awareness is the First Step toward Change..." - the tagline for Heifer International's "Hope for the Future Capital Campaign." I could not agree more. Several awareness or consciousness raising events are held at Madonna University throughout the year - from health issues such as addictions and HIV/AIDS, to Fair Trade, Internally Displaced People and Refugees, homelessness and hunger, domestic violence. The list goes on.
"Action is eloquence." I can't remember who said that but action gives credibility and integrity to any program. Our students are offered travel opportunities not only in the US but to Mexico, Italy and other places to learn and to serve. We also serve at local soup kitchens, local school districts, Gleaners' Community Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity and the annual; Christmas for Kids Project.
Don’t just sit there and get bored! There is always something exciting you can do something that needs doing and something to be excited about when you are serving. The examples I have given are actions and results based mostly on the language of the mind.
Advocacy is service, too. The Michigan Nonprofit Association offers free or low cost training to those who are interested. Passion for a cause? Let us connect to places where your voice is heard, such the US Congress to speak out for the health of American Rivers, children’s health and global justice. Or you can work with members of the Michigan legislature and senate in efforts to make life better in Michigan. One of our student groups had a law passed in Michigan in 2007 that will help save children’s lives as well as improve their quality of life. How cool is that?
Most students miss out on opportunities for fellowships, internships, scholarships and travel dollars by not staying informed. Taking advantage of the service opportunities offered by various corporations and non-profits: such as Farmer’s Insurance, Allstate, the National Wildlife Federation, Habitat for Humanity, Michigan Campus Compact, Learn and Serve, Michigan Service Commission, American Association of University Women… Again the list goes on; a lot of college scholarships require service components.
Community service in any form, help educate the whole person and promote growth. Service – community service/service learning is a bridge connecting the intellect and the heart, connecting ideals and values to action, connecting theory to practice. Let your heart speak and come, find out more about connecting your head to your heart.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Children at Christmas - Expectations
TV ads abound of consumer goods and merrymakers shopping at the malls. Reaction to a gift of matching luxury cars = Priceless!
So is the reaction of the children in metro-Detroit who have nothing to open in Christmas morning - let down can lead to hopelessness - after all the hype and the images of new clothes,food,toys and trinkets.
The implication that one has not been good enough or have not worked hard enough is crushing. So can overspending with credit card debt.
Fuel for the economy or fuel for the stake that is burning away at so many families in the Detroit area.
And what are you going to do about it? Can you spare a dime or a gift?
To sponsor a child - Madonna University Christmas for Kids project:
1 – You can pick your child by asking for a list of unsponsored families by calling Madonna University (734) 432 5427 or e-mail:
2 – Put Your name alongside that child’s name to update the list and let me know the family # and the child ID – boy, 3 years old, Size 5 T
3 – Shop for 1 article of clothing, age appropriate book and toy for child – about $21.00
4 – Buy a jar of Peanut Butter, a jar of Jelly and treats like cookies for the child – about $4.00
5 – Wrap the gifts
6 – Drop off gifts at Room 1001 – Office of Student Life by December 15 to give Santa’s helpers a chance to find gifts for the left behind children.
7 – Celebrate the Season with gladness and joy in your heart!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
On behalf of the children – I thank you very, very much!
So is the reaction of the children in metro-Detroit who have nothing to open in Christmas morning - let down can lead to hopelessness - after all the hype and the images of new clothes,food,toys and trinkets.
The implication that one has not been good enough or have not worked hard enough is crushing. So can overspending with credit card debt.
Fuel for the economy or fuel for the stake that is burning away at so many families in the Detroit area.
And what are you going to do about it? Can you spare a dime or a gift?
To sponsor a child - Madonna University Christmas for Kids project:
1 – You can pick your child by asking for a list of unsponsored families by calling Madonna University (734) 432 5427 or e-mail:
2 – Put Your name alongside that child’s name to update the list and let me know the family # and the child ID – boy, 3 years old, Size 5 T
3 – Shop for 1 article of clothing, age appropriate book and toy for child – about $21.00
4 – Buy a jar of Peanut Butter, a jar of Jelly and treats like cookies for the child – about $4.00
5 – Wrap the gifts
6 – Drop off gifts at Room 1001 – Office of Student Life by December 15 to give Santa’s helpers a chance to find gifts for the left behind children.
7 – Celebrate the Season with gladness and joy in your heart!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
On behalf of the children – I thank you very, very much!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Kiran Desai, Malu Fernandez
Kiran Desai's account of Biju's trip, from New York-London-Frankfurt-Abu Dhabi- Dubai- Bahrain-Karachi-Delhi-Calcutta, is hilarious and sad. Biju's destination is Kalimpong - no planes going there. Did Indians think it is malicious for Kiran Desai to tell it like it is?
I was a bit offended by the article written by Malu Fernandez. The poor woman had to resign. Yes, I called for her to be fired or something. Or am I losing my sense of humor? Both the color line and the class line are very distinct features of Philippine society, not always so subtle either, even abroad.
After reading Kiran's novel, "The Inheritance of Loss" - I came to the realization that we all look at ourselves, other people and our surroundings through the filters of the familiar, our experiences and aspirations.
The novel turned out to be a powerful work of what happens to people and places when cultures collide - and when the filters no longer hold a filament of truth. Only love of family and the mountain peaks proved to be true.
I think it is very healthy sign when an author can actually look at her culture's and people's features honestly; and find humor and pathos alongside each other.
Maybe, just maybe, this is what Malu Fernandez was trying to say in her article????
I was a bit offended by the article written by Malu Fernandez. The poor woman had to resign. Yes, I called for her to be fired or something. Or am I losing my sense of humor? Both the color line and the class line are very distinct features of Philippine society, not always so subtle either, even abroad.
After reading Kiran's novel, "The Inheritance of Loss" - I came to the realization that we all look at ourselves, other people and our surroundings through the filters of the familiar, our experiences and aspirations.
The novel turned out to be a powerful work of what happens to people and places when cultures collide - and when the filters no longer hold a filament of truth. Only love of family and the mountain peaks proved to be true.
I think it is very healthy sign when an author can actually look at her culture's and people's features honestly; and find humor and pathos alongside each other.
Maybe, just maybe, this is what Malu Fernandez was trying to say in her article????
Kiran Desai,
love of family,
Malu Fernandez,
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
196 cities, 12 countries and counting! The numbers surprised me, especially the number of cities I have visited. I guess I am a globalization pioneer. Although I only worked in five countries,I actually lived in 6. Who would have thunk it???
Every time, I popped in Michigan, Uncle Santos Ares used to say, "Okay where have you been or where are you going now? I can't keep track of you. One week I get a postcard from Canada, the next week I get a card from New Zealand." Uncle Santos was Tia Ginang's brother and just as funny. Always jolly and full of jokes.
They called me bugoy when I was growing up in Catmon. I was always wandering around town - my base was in Pilapil. Lola and I lived in the last house, just before the pilapilan (rice paddies and sugar cane fields)depending on the amount of rain. There used to be a huge "Bangkal Tree" in the corner of Burgos (now Juan Ginoo)and the national highway. I used to run every time I passed that tree. I believed that there were encantos living there. I was so happy when Man Solang built a restaurant there!
As a little girl, I always felt a bit isolated from the rest of Catmon. I was very lonely. I would go and hang out at different sections of the town with different family groups.The whole town was my playground plus Bawo (Lola Dulya and Lolo Sergio Rule family, Nanang Ipay and family) and Bagalnga (Tia Tana and Tia Andring), Ilaya (Tio Titing and Nana Pising) Ibabao and Cogon (Tata Batyong and Lola Sayong).
I loved and enjoyed spending time with Manoy Aliado, Ingko Tony and Inday Tanciang in lungsod. For me they are the closest to having siblings. I received my grounding in my Catholic faith from Lola Ebing, Lola Ciana, Lola Sana and Lola Elyang in poblacion the old house by the imburnal across the street from the plaza. My faith role model is of course Lola Piyang.
The most memorable ones were the "Impolite School" memories with the Roldans, the Estenzos, the Manits, the Rojas' and the Canares families. Not to mention Peggy and Johnny Bjeland and Stuart and Danny Chalmers. Heard but unable to confirm that Stuart married a Filipna and settled in the Philippines.
I think I can see a pattern of connecting with various people and going to different places. My dream now, is to go to Italy - Rome and the Holy Land to visit. I would also like live in Istanbul (Turkey), Damascus (Syria), Alexandria (Egypt) and Shikoku Island in Japan. I am starting to prepare for the Damascus and Alexandria stint by learning Arabic.
I am a bit slow but every trip starts with the first step - so every language starts with the first word - inshAllah!
Every time, I popped in Michigan, Uncle Santos Ares used to say, "Okay where have you been or where are you going now? I can't keep track of you. One week I get a postcard from Canada, the next week I get a card from New Zealand." Uncle Santos was Tia Ginang's brother and just as funny. Always jolly and full of jokes.
They called me bugoy when I was growing up in Catmon. I was always wandering around town - my base was in Pilapil. Lola and I lived in the last house, just before the pilapilan (rice paddies and sugar cane fields)depending on the amount of rain. There used to be a huge "Bangkal Tree" in the corner of Burgos (now Juan Ginoo)and the national highway. I used to run every time I passed that tree. I believed that there were encantos living there. I was so happy when Man Solang built a restaurant there!
As a little girl, I always felt a bit isolated from the rest of Catmon. I was very lonely. I would go and hang out at different sections of the town with different family groups.The whole town was my playground plus Bawo (Lola Dulya and Lolo Sergio Rule family, Nanang Ipay and family) and Bagalnga (Tia Tana and Tia Andring), Ilaya (Tio Titing and Nana Pising) Ibabao and Cogon (Tata Batyong and Lola Sayong).
I loved and enjoyed spending time with Manoy Aliado, Ingko Tony and Inday Tanciang in lungsod. For me they are the closest to having siblings. I received my grounding in my Catholic faith from Lola Ebing, Lola Ciana, Lola Sana and Lola Elyang in poblacion the old house by the imburnal across the street from the plaza. My faith role model is of course Lola Piyang.
The most memorable ones were the "Impolite School" memories with the Roldans, the Estenzos, the Manits, the Rojas' and the Canares families. Not to mention Peggy and Johnny Bjeland and Stuart and Danny Chalmers. Heard but unable to confirm that Stuart married a Filipna and settled in the Philippines.
I think I can see a pattern of connecting with various people and going to different places. My dream now, is to go to Italy - Rome and the Holy Land to visit. I would also like live in Istanbul (Turkey), Damascus (Syria), Alexandria (Egypt) and Shikoku Island in Japan. I am starting to prepare for the Damascus and Alexandria stint by learning Arabic.
I am a bit slow but every trip starts with the first step - so every language starts with the first word - inshAllah!
Friday, August 03, 2007
International Face - Everything But White
I asked one of my friends to scan some pictures that I took in Mexico. She commented that I looked like one of the natives. When I was down there, the shopkeepers and the folks I met in the street spoke to me in Spanish.
In retrospect, this happened to me in Japan, Taiwan and Korea when I was young. Indigenous folks in the Northwest often mistook as one of them.
It is okay - I like it.
In retrospect, this happened to me in Japan, Taiwan and Korea when I was young. Indigenous folks in the Northwest often mistook as one of them.
It is okay - I like it.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Of Importance
I was just outside taking some paper to the recycling bin. I saw a patch of Queen Anne's lace next to a nice patch of grass - the tall kind. The arrangement looked beautiful although humans never touched it except for the occasional grass cutting. As long as these plants are within the cut line they are left to their own devices. The beauty was striking. Nature is important to me, the environment.
I just signed a letter to my congressperson about a renewable energy bill. I hope he will listen to me. This is important in the long term.
I just signed a letter to my congressperson about a renewable energy bill. I hope he will listen to me. This is important in the long term.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
What is memory? How accurate can a recollection be? I am starting to think about various things that happened in my life - some of them feel like they happened such a long time ago - others, feel like they just happened this morning or even yesterday.
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